
Crafting Minimal Api in .Net 8

Crafting Minimal Api with a functional approach

Minimal APIs with a functional approach and is now available for download. This book offers important aspects of the world of Minimal APIs while incorporating a functional approach. It also provides valuable insights into patterns for creating scalable APIs. I hope that you will not only enjoy reading it but also find it to be a valuable resource for learning and professional growth. Below you will find the Table of content and some sample pages.

The book mainly explains the following topics:

  • Project Structure
  • AOT
  • Environments
  • Configuration
  • IOC
  • Middleware & Filters
  • Routes, Requests & Responses
  • Rate Limiting
  • Validations
  • Mappers
  • Services
  • Error Handling
  • Versioning
  • Functional C# concepts
  • Scalable & Resilience patterns (retry, pubsub, saga etc)

Here are some of the content in the book

Crafting Minimal Api with a functional approachCrafting Minimal Api with a functional approachCrafting Minimal Api with a functional approachCrafting Minimal Api with a functional approachCrafting Minimal Api with a functional approachCrafting Minimal Api with a functional approach